Saturday, September 27, 2008

Midnight Sun (partial-draft) Review.

Okay, so I was thinking of writing up my Eclipse review, but I figured I should refresh my memory and re-read it before I type it up. That way I shall get every single detail that I want and I won't forget one. Plus, I want to re-read it! Anyways, moving onto the subject of this post: my review of the Midnight Sun partial-draft.

It was amazing! Even though it was only 264 pages (12 chapters), I savored every detail. While reading the Twilight Saga, I always wanted to see the mind workings of Edward Cullen. And this partial-draft enabled me to. Don't get me wrong - I am deeply upset about how it was illegally leaked on the Internet. I just think it was nice to see a 'sneak preview' I guess you could call it. Also, as an aspiring writer, it was excellent to see a draft by Stephenie. It was definitely interesting to me. But that's a different topic. Getting back on subject, as I said before, I savored every single detail in those 12 chapters. As my friend Cat put it, 'it was interesting to see what Edward didn't say to Bella.' Stephenie wrote the details perfectly - Edward's descriptions of his 'normal' life before Bella. How he felt when he realized that he loved her. That first night when Edward took a peek at Bella while sleeping, and how he felt when he heard her say his name in her sleep. Everything was perfect. Stephenie keeps looking at the grammatical mistakes and the spelling errors. Well, honestly Stephenie, I paid more attention to the reading then picking out your grammar errors! I focused mainly on picturing all this, and putting myself in Edward's position. When I was reading it, I could care less about the errors which you worry so much about and that you didn't want your readers to read it 'that way'. The Midnight Sun partial-draft was magnificent and yet another incredible piece of work from Stephenie Meyer.

I really hope you continue writing this, Stephenie. I'm sure everyone will love it - who doesn't want to be in mind of Edward Cullen? 

I hope you enjoyed my review (sorry it isn't as long as my others.)

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