Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blood typing & Twilight Radio Hour.

Well we did blood typing today in my Biology class! And lemme tell ya, it hurt like hell. My teacher was all, "Oh, it's only a little prick. This is nothin' compared to getting blood taken." So I was like, "Okay, okay. It might not be SO bad." I. was. wrong. That little prick hurt so much! And it happened so fast! Oh my Edward, did I wish Edward D. had turned into Edward Cullen and saved me. Anyways, I got through it (amazingly) without fainting or crying. I'm Type A :)

Also, I can't believe I missed it! There was a Twilight Radio Hour tonight (5-6pm) on various radio stations! AND I MISSED IT! Ugh, if only I had checked my email would've been amazing. On these stations, they would be playing exclusive clips from Twilight, interviews and music. A whole HOUR of that! and I missed it :(

1 comment:

The Fanpires said...

Oh goodness. I don't do pricks. I don't trust those smiley nurses who are all "Oh, it doesn't hurt!" They LIE. I do not deal with that, no sir. Nope, no blood.
One of my friends started bleeding today and I was all, "Ewwwww, gross!" Someone said I was just like Bella. I was so proud! ;)
Anyways. They tell me to take blood? No way, man.
